Publications: The interplay between Logic and Algebra
G. Braun and L. Strüngmann: "Pathological examples of dual groups", to appear in Houston Journal of Mathematics.
G. Braun and L. Strüngmann: " The independence of the notions of Hopfian and Co-Hopfian abelian p-groups", to appear in Proc. AMS.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "On the p-rank of Ext(A,B) for countable abelian groups A and B", Israel Journal of Mathematics (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s11856-013-0039-2
S. Friedenberg and L. Strüngmann: "Extensions in the class of countable Abelian groups", Acta Mathematica Hungarica: Volume 140, Issue 4 (2013), 316-328
R. Göbel, S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "אn-free modules over complete discrete valuation domains with small dual", Glasgow Journal for Mathematics 55 (2013) 369-380.
K. Blagoveshchenskaya, R. Göbel and L. Strüngmann: "Classification of some Butler groups of infinite rank", Journal of Algebra 380 (2013) 1-17
L. Strüngmann, M. Droste, L. Fuchs, K. Tent (editors): Groups and model theory. In honor of Rüdiger Göbel's 70th birthday. Proceedings of the conference, conference center "Die Wolfsburg", Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany, May 30--June 3, 2011, Contemp. Math. 576, AMS (2012)
C. Jacoby, K. Leistner, P. Loth and L. Strüngmann: "Abelian groups with partial decomposition bases in L1ω∞", Groups and model theory. In honor of Rüdiger Göbel's 70th birthday. Proceedings of the conference, conference center ``Die Wolfsburg", Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany, May 30--June 3, 2011, Mülheim 2011, Contemp. Math. 576, AMS (2012), 163-175.
U. Albrecht, S. Friedenberg and L. Strüngmann: "The torsion-freeness of Ext for modules over Dedekind domains", International Journal of Algebra 6 (2012), 399-414.
R. Göbel, J. Rodriguez and L. Strüngmann: "Cellular covers of cotorsion-free modules", Fund. Math. 217 (2012), 211-231.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Kulikov's problem for torsion-free abelian groups - revisited", Bulletin of the London Math. Society 43 Issue 6 (2011), p1198-1205.
G. Braun and L. Strüngmann: "Breaking up finite automata presentable torsion-freeabelian groups", International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2011), 1463-1472.
K. Emler, R. Göbel, P. Loth and L. Strüngmann: "Infinitary equivalence of Zp-modules with nice decomposition bases", Journal for commutative Algebra 3 (2011), 321-348.
D. Herden and L. Strüngmann: "Pure subgroups of completely decomposable groups - an algorithmic approach part II", Illinois Journal of Mathematics 55 (2011), 1533-1549.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Filtration equivalent separable abelian groups of cardinalityא", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2010), 935-943.
J. Rodriguez and L. Strüngmann: "Cellular covers with free kernel", Mediterranean Journal of Math. DOI 10.1007/s00009-010-0109-1 (2010).
C. Meehan and L. Strüngmann: "Rational rings related to weakly transitive torsion-free abelian groups", Journal of Algebra and its Applications 8 (2009), 723-732.
L. Strüngmann: "On endomorphism rings of B1-groups that are not B2-groups when adding א4 reals to the ground model", Proceedings of AMS 137 (2009), 3657-3668.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Large minimal groups under (V=L)", Quarterly J. of Math. 60 (2009), 353-365.
D. Herden and L. Strüngmann: "Pure subgroups of completely decomposable groups - an algorithmic approach", in Models, Modules and Abelian Groups (in memory of A.L.S. Corner), eds. B. Goldsmith and R. Göbel, Walter De Gruyter (2008), 169-186.
R. Göbel, N. Hülsmann and L. Strüngmann: "Bext cotorsion theories", Canadian J. of Pure and Applied Sciences 2 (2008), 607-628.
A. Mader and L. Strüngmann: "A class of finitely Butler groups and their endomorphism rings", Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 37 (2008), 399-425.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "On the p-rank of Ext(G, Z) in certain models of ZFC", Algebra and Logic 46 (2007), 200-215.
R. Göbel, N. Hülsmann and L. Strüngmann: "A generalization of Whitehead's problem and its independence", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 148 (2007), 20-30.
E. Blagoveshchenskaya and L. Strüngmann: "Near-isomorphism for infinite rank torsion-free abelian groups", Communications in Algebra 35 (2007), 1055-1072.
B. Goldsmith and L. Strüngmann: "Some transitivity results for torsion abelian groups", Houston Journal of Mathematics 33 (2007), 941-957.
S. Pokutta and L. Strüngmann: "On the Chase radical and reduced products", Journal of Pure and Appl. Algebra 211 (2007), 532-540.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "A characterization of Ext(G, Z) assuming (V=L)", Fundamenta Mathematicae 193 (2007), 141-151.
L. Strüngmann: "Ext-universal modules in Gödel's universe", Forum Mathematicum 19 (2007), 307-323.
L. Strüngmann: "(V,W)-cotorsion pairs", Archiv der Mathematik 86 (2006), 193-204.
L. Strüngmann: "Baer cotorsion pairs", Israel Journal of Mathematics 151 (2006), 29-51.
A. Mader and L. Strüngmann: "Generalized almost completely decomposable groups", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 113 (2005), 47-69.
S. Bazzoni, R. Göbel and L. Strüngmann: "Pure injectivity of n-cotilting modules: the Prüfer and the countable case", Archiv der Mathematik 84 (2005), 216-224.
B. Goldsmith and L. Strüngmann: "Weakly transitive torsion-free abelian groups", Comm. in Algebra 33 (2005), 1177-1191.
J. Rodriguez, J. Scherer and L. Strüngmann: "Localizations of abelian p-groups", Fundamenta Mathematicae 183 (2005), 123-138.
L. Strüngmann: "Minimal completely decomposable groups", Proceedings Royal Irish Academy 105A (2005), 107-110.
R. Göbel, S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Generalized E-rings", in Rings, Modules, Algebras and Abelian Groups, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math. 236, Dekker, New York (2004), 291-306.
L. Strüngmann: "Derived cotorsion theories", Habilitationsschrift, Universität Duisburg-Essen (2004).
R. Göbel, S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Almost-free E-rings of cardinality א1", Canadian Journal of Mathematics 55 (2003), 750--765.
M. Ould-Beddi and L. Strüngmann: "Tight subgroups in torsion-free groups", Israel Journal of Mathematics 135 (2003), 251-268.
A. Paras and L. Strüngmann: "Fully transitive p-groups with finite first Ulm subgroup", Proceedings of AMS 131 (2003), 371-377.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Kulikov's problem on universal torsion-free abelian groups", Journal of London Mathematical Society 67 (2003), 626-642.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "It is consistent with ZFC that B1-groups are not B2- groups", Forum Mathematicum 15 (2003), 507-524.
L. Strüngmann: "On the existence of rings with prescribed endomorphism group", Houston Journal of Mathematics 29 (2003), 553--557.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "Cotorsion theories cogenerated by א1-free abelian groups", Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 32 (2002), 1617-1626.
L. Strüngmann: "Torsion groups in cotorsion classes", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 107 (2002), 35-55.
L. Strüngmann: "On problems by Baer and Kulikov using (V=L)", Illinois Journal of Mathematics 46 (2002), 477-490.
R. Göbel and L. Strüngmann: "Almost-free E(R)-algebras and E(A,R)-modules", Fundamenta Mathematicae 169 (2001), 175-192.
M. Ould-Beddi and L. Strüngmann: "Stacked bases for countable homogeneous completely decomposable groups", Communications in Algebra 29 (2001), 434-4356.
L. Salce und L. Strüngmann: "Stacked bases for homogeneous completely decomposable groups", Communications in Algebra 29 (2001), 2575-2588.
S. Shelah and L. Strüngmann: "The failure of the uncountable non-commutative Specker Phenomenon", Journal of Group Theory 4 (2001), 417-426.
L. Strüngmann: "A category equivalence between homogeneous completely decomposable groups and modules over principal ideal domains", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 159 (2001), 339-346.
L. Strüngmann and S. Wallutis: "On torsion groups in cotorsion classes", in Abelian Groups, Rings and Modules, AGRAM 2000 Conference, Perth, Western Australia, Contemp. Math. 273 (2001), 269-283.
G. Hennecke and L. Strüngmann: "Transitivity and Full Transitivity for p-local Modules", Archiv der Mathematik 74-5 (2000), 321-329.
A. Mader and L. Strüngmann: "Bounded essential extensions of completely decomposable groups", Journal of Algebra 229 (2000), 205-233.
L. Strüngmann: "Does the automorphism group generate the endomorphism ring in Rep(S,R) ?", Journal of Algebra 231 (2000), 163-179.
M. Ould-Beddi und L. Strüngmann: "Stacked bases for a pair of homogeneous completely decomposable groups with bounded quotient", Proceedings Int. Conf. on Abelian Groups and Modules, Dublin 1998, (eds. P. Eklof and R. Göbel), Birkhäuser Verlag (1999), 199-209.
L. Strügmann: "Almost-free E(R)-algebras over countable domains", Ph.D. thesis, Universität Essen (1998).